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New year's resolutions 2019

New year´s resolutions.. I was never too big on them. But this year, I started thinking that I actually have some things in my life that I keep on pushing out of my way while I actually really want to get into a habit of doing them or just get them done. So, what better to do then to write them out into a list to actually have them set out on my blog? This way, I can always go back to this post and I have a reminder of all the things I want to achieve in 2019. Ready for this? Let’s dive in.

  • Get out of bed earlier to do a devotional

This is honestly problematic for me most definitely NOT a morning person. However, I have tried it a couple of times and doing a devotional in the mornings just gives me so much positive energy to start the day with. So, 2019 is going to be the year when I will wake up earlier and set some time aside for God in the mornings.

  • Get into shape

This point right here has already been in the back of my mind literally all through 2018, but for coming year I am REALLY going to make it one of my goals to get more into shape. I want to feel better in my own body and I do realize that I could do with a little healthier food in my system as well.

  • More intentional prayer

I think it is SO important to be more intentional in my prayers. Sometimes I will go to bed and just do a ´simple´ prayer as if it is some task that I have to tick of my list, when it should be the most special time of the day. This is something that I really want to work on and I will make a separate blogpost on how I will be doing this.

  • Getting more organised in / around the house

Because I work five days a week it can be kind of hard sometimes to be on top things. We do our weekly cleaning sessions, but I also just want to find a schedule in picking up things around the house and just keeping everything organised and neat in general.

  • Put more intentional time and effort in my relationship

My husband is the most amazing man and we do have a great time. However, it is very easy for us to just live life, be busy with everything and everyone around us and forget to put real time into our relationship. We have been more intentional lately but I want to build that out further into the new year and really be intentional with our time together.

That concludes it for this blogpost. I could write a list of 20 more goals for the new year but I like to keep things realistic so that I will actually be able to achieve every goal that I have set out. Do you have any goals for the new year? Or tips for me on achieving mine? Let me know in the comments below!




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