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Five reasons why I love to go to church every Sunday

Hello lovelies, welcome back to my blog. I think I am finding a new pattern in this whole blogging thing. I am going to aim to post on Wednesdays and Sundays. The Wednesday post can be anything e.g. travel tips, home décor or lifestyle. With the Sunday post I am going to try to focus on the anything faith related. And that is what I want to do for today as well, or at least something like it. Today I want to share with you why I love going to church so much.

So I know every church is different and there are also a lot of cultural differences involved I think. Maybe not all of you know this but I live in the Netherlands. I think church here is a lot different than it is in for example the US, Russia or Ethiopia. Every country has such different norms and values that are most of the time culture based and this shines through in Christian life as well. I am aiming to write a blogpost somewhere in the future on this subject but I am getting of topic here. Where I want to go with this is that our church has two services: one that starts at 9.30 AM and one that starts at 6.30 PM. In our church it is considered normal that you come to both services and of course they will both be different. And I love to go to both of them!

Don’t get me wrong here, I can be lazy as heck and I have trouble getting out of bed ALWAYS so Sunday is not any different for me in that perspective. I know some people can say they get so enthusiastic about going that they do not have to drag themselves out of bed that day but unfortunately that’s not the case for me. BUT, I have never ever regretted getting out of bed for this and I always feel amazing when I walk into church. Let me tell all about the reasons why.

1. Best start to your week

Going to church is literally the best start of your new (work) week. It refuels you in the best way possible and gives you the best kind of energy to start your week with. Anytime I feel anxious for something coming up that week I always get calm during the church service. It puts things in perspective and you are reminded to what is really important.

2. Learning about 'new topic's'

This might sound somewhat silly, as if I never take a look in the bible myself, but I do come to church to keep on learning as well. I must say (ashamed) that my biblical knowledge is absolutely not where I want it to be, but that is another reason why I love church so much. Every Sunday I have two topics I learn about a lot more. Yes I can sense you’re doing the maths in your head right now, that means that through church on average I learn about 104 topics a year on a more deeper level than I normally would.

3. Feeling even closer to God

I know you do not have to go to church to feel close to God, but for me personally it brings Him closer than ever. The fact that everyone is there to serve the same, almighty God just makes that feeling that much more powerful. Church is a place where you can just be fully committed to Him and there are no distractions. For that reason I always leave my phone at home. No distractions and only focussing on God.

4. Good conversation starter

This is something that Teunis and I still have to work on, but church can also be a great conversation starter. It is such a good thing to discuss things further when you come home from church. What did you learn? What stood out to you? Of course I encourage you to do a bible study together with your husband as well, but the church service can also be good conversation topic. I also like to write along during the church services so I can always come back to my notes when I want to discuss something later on(:

5. Being a community

This is what I am starting to appreciate more and more. I do have to admit that here I think we have to do with another cultural difference: people are more focussed on their own family and not so much on being a (church) community. Having said that, I think that our church is really putting more effort into creating this community that is SO necessary and also so beautiful. It is so amazing to be together with people who are all there for the same reason.

There you have it, my five reasons on why I love going to church. I hope y’all have a very happy Sunday and a good day at church. If you find it hard to go to church you can always send me a message to talk about it, but please remember that EVERYONE (!) is welcome in Gods house. No one will ever be excluded!

Much love,


14 weergaven


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